good brains for good brands

Trying to find a silver lining through the Covid-19 pandemic, I donated some of my brain and time, alongside a bunch of advertising folk at Good Brains for Good Brands to use the power of creativity to help those most in need - the charity sector as it grappled with a £10bn shortfall in fundraising. I’ve been the strategy lead for three charity campaigns we landed in 2020 for Special Olympics, Irish Wheelchair Association and Gingerbread.


Special Olympics Ireland

With annual collection days cancelled due to Covid, Special Olympics Ireland, were struggling with fundraising. They needed to raise half a million euros to provide continued support to some 8,000 special athletes. Faced with intense competition for donor dollars and no marketing budget, we had a huge challenge to overcome.

We took the simple word "can't", which all of us have heard so much of in 2020 - "can't meet family", "can't go to work", "can't travel" to drive resonance with the lives of our special athletes who had heard this word all their lives - “can’t play ball”, “can’t ride a bike”, “can’t go to a normal school”, “can’t make friends”. They never accepted it.

They’re on a spirited journey, overcoming every adversity to realise their sporting ambitions and beyond. And there is just one thing they “can’t” do, which is stop.

Our powerful appeal "‘Can’t Stop Now’, fronted by Colin Farell ran across print, outdoor, social, radio and online video. The campaign celebrated the extraordinary and inspiring stories of our special athletes, highlighting that the only thing that can stop them living fulfilling lives and pursuing their dreams isn’t anything to do with their disabilities, but the lack of funding.

The campaign successfully raised over 250,000 euros (and counting). Donate here if you can.



We've all felt trapped, restricted and stuck in the past few months.
For those who are wheelchair bound, this is life as usual. Only made tougher by the current crisis.

Many people with disabilities rely on the Irish Wheelchair Association for their freedom and, and they in turn, rely on the kindness of donations. But if these donations stop, their services stop. Thousands of lives will literally be put on hold.

The Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) reached out to Good Brains for Good Brands with no budget but a big ask - an urgent need to cover an immediate fundraising shortfall of €300,000.

For £0 we delivered a campaign that celebrates the mobility that the IWA brings to the lives of so many people and brought to life what could happen if we run out of funds. And to do this, we used the most frustrating icon in popular culture – the dreaded buffering wheel.